Extra! Extra! Read All About It: Biblical Advice for Single Christians Searching for True Love on Christian Dating Sites

Doc Merchant
10 min readApr 30, 2021


Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Are you a single Christian searching for true love on a Christian dating site? First of all, let me say that I don’t believe that there is anything wrong with looking for love on a Christian dating site, even though you might feel as if you have to sneak and do it. Sir/Madam, you get no judgment from me. Instead, I would like to encourage you, there are many Christian singles who have met on Christian dating sites, and by the grace of God, found true love! Personally, I’m not against the use of Christian dating sites, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this article. Furthermore, I don’t believe that God is against you searching for true love on a Christian dating site either. However, I do believe that there is a Biblical approach that the Lord Jesus would have you take while you are conducting your search for true love on Christian dating sites. Therefore, it is my burden to offer you some Biblical advice to help you on your journey to finding true love on a Christian dating site.


Now this might sound simple, but true profundity is clothed in simplicity. In other words, the real deep things in life are actually simple. And although the point that I’m making here is simple, it is deep. Because so many single Christian men and women who claim that they are looking for a serious Christian relationship fail to do what I’ll call a “Spiritual Background Check.” They fail to do a thorough investigation from the start to determine whether or not the person that they take interest in on a Christian dating site is indeed a Christian. By the way, everyone on these Christian dating sites are not Christians, some knowingly, and some unknowingly. Single Christians, there are some real imposters on the web, and you have to be careful who you get involved with online. (And all of God’s people said, “Amen!!!”) This is why you have to be sure that the person you take interest in on a Christian dating site is truly a Christian. If you’re serious about having a God-Blessed Christian relationship, and I believe that you are; otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this article. Then you cannot by pass this important message, or you’re asking for trouble. You must go on record at your point of interest to find out whether or not he or she is truly a Christian. Now I hear your questions, some of you are wondering…

How can I know for sure that the person I’m interested in on a Christian dating site is truly a Christian?

First of all, I’m glad that you asked this question! This is a great question, and it is one that I will answer using the Word of God. There are two ways that you can know for sure that the person you’re interested in on a Christian dating site is truly a Christian.

  1. You can know for sure that the person you’re interested in on a Christian dating site is truly a Christian by their personal testimony. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, the Bible says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” When a person receives Christ as their personal Saviour, he or she becomes a new creature in Christ. Their lives are changed forever, a spiritual transformation takes place in the inner man that cannot go unnoticed, because Christ by His Spirit comes to live inside of every believer. And a true Christian will be able to give you a clear presentation of their personal testimony declaring how they came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Now they might not be able to recall the time or the date, but this person ought to gladly tell you how he or she received new life in Christ! They ought to be able to tell you how they became a Christian! By the way, you ought to be able to gladly tell them how you became a Christian as well!
  2. You can know for sure that the person you’re interested in on a Christian dating site is truly a Christian by their fruits (actions). In Matthew 7:16a, the Lord Jesus said, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” Now the word “fruits” (plural) speaks of a person’s works, deeds, or actions. The Lord Jesus was warning the people about false prophets, and He declared that the way you separate the real from the fake is by their actions (“fruits”). Certainly you’ve heard the expression, “actions speak louder than words.” Single Christians, you can separate the real from the fake by allowing a person’s actions to speak on their behalf. Think about it, if you meet someone on a Christian dating site, and the fruits of their life bears witness that Christ is in them, then rest assured you’ve found a winner! That person is a real Christian! On the other hand, if you’re interacting with someone on a Christian dating site that solicits you for sex, drugs, money, or any other thing of this nature then chances are, this person is NOT a Christian. Now before we move on, be sure that your fruits gives evidence of Christ in you, avoiding all forms of hypocrisy in your search for true love on a Christian dating site.

Does it matter whether or not the person that I’m interested in on a Christian dating site is truly a Christian?

The simple answer is yes it matters, but you don’t have to take my word for it. Let’s look at what the word of God has to say about this particular matter. Remember, this article is about, “Biblical Advice For Single Christians Searching For True Love on Christian Dating Sites.” So in 2 Corinthians 6:14a, the word of God says, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:”. Simply stated, the apostle Paul is ordering Christians not to be in relationships with non-Christians (unbelievers). Now in our politically correct society this might sound a bit discriminatory, or narrow-minded. But the truth is, pairing a Christian with a non-Christian is not a good fit, especially when it comes to dating. Listen single Christians, a Christian dating a non-Christian is NOT a match made in heaven. By the way, God is not forbidding Christians from having any interactions with unbelievers.

Photo from heatherllindsey.com

However, when it comes to dating, and potential marriage, being in a relationship with a non-Christian is not something that you play around with. This is not the time for “Missionary Dating,” where you get with an unbeliever, and hope that he or she comes to Christ after you all start dating or get married. Nevertheless, a lot of God’s people have made the crucial mistake of getting with unbelievers, only to find out the hard way that this unbiblical approach to dating and marriage doesn’t work.

Now just in case that you’re still not convinced how much it matters whether or not the person you’re interested in on a Christian dating site is truly a Christian; think about Samson, the Bible’s strong man. Samson’s greatest weakness was his untamed lust for strange women, unbelieving women who did not know the true and living God (Judges 14–16). If you study Samson’s life, you will discover that being in a relationship with an unbelieving women named Delilah lead to his downfall, and ultimately his death. Furthermore, let’s not forget Solomon, the wise king, who clearly disobeyed God’s command when he gave his heart to heathen (unbelieving) women from other nations. And in his old age, Solomon’s unbelieving wives turned his heart towards false gods: away from the true and living God, the God of Israel (1 Kings 11:1–6).

Single Christians, let this be a lesson to you. Avoid dating someone whose not in the family of God, and who does not have a growing love for the Lord Jesus. Dating can be extremely challenging as it is. So, if you’re going to have a fighting chance of establishing a God-fearing, Christ-honouring relationship where the both of you are on one accord in Christ, then you have to be sure that the person you take interest in on a Christian dating site is truly a Christian.


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Single Christians, searching for true love on a Christian dating site is not something that you should do on your own. I encourage you to get God involved, and the best way to get God involved in your search for true love is by making your search a matter of prayer. Listen, prayer is how we as Christians, express our dependence upon God. And I can’t think of a more important time to rely on God for help than when you’re trying to find true love. By the way, one of the greatest stories that deals with making your search for true love a matter of prayer is found in the Word of God! And the story that I’m referring to is the search for a wife for Isaac. Abraham sent his eldest servant out to find a wife for his son, Isaac. And in Genesis 24:10–11, the Bible says…

“And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master, and departed; for all the goods of his master were in his hand: and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor. And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening, even the time that women go out to draw water.”

Before Abraham’s servant entered the city to search for a wife for Isaac, he stopped to pray. Single Christian, let me ask you a question; “Did you stop to pray before you began your search to find true love?” Before you signup or login to any Christian dating site, you ought to set aside some time to talk to God. Here is the fervent prayer of Abraham’s servant. In Genesis 24:12–14, the Bible says…

“And he said O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham. Behold, I stand here by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water: And let it come to pass that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master.”

From the depths of his heart, Abraham’s servant cried out and asked God to bless his efforts, and be kind to his master Abraham. The servant was by the well of water, a place in the city where lots of women came to draw water for their household. No doubt, there were a lot of qualified women to choose from, but Abraham’s servant wanted to make sure that he got this right. So he asked the LORD for a sign, a clear indication as to who the woman was that God had chosen for Isaac. By the way single Christians, you ought to pray for the person that God has chosen for you. Besides, God loves you; and He wants what’s best for you! And God always gives His best to those who leaves the choice to Him!” And Abraham’s servant wanted God’s choice in a wife for Isaac. Therefore, he called on the LORD God for help in his search to find Isaac a wife. Now just in case you’re wondering whether or not God answered Abraham’s servant’s prayer, read Genesis 24:15–25. But before you do, be sure to make your search for true love on a Christian dating site a matter of prayer.


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They say “A picture is worth a thousand words.” And in the above photo, there is tons of information about one of the leading Christian dating services that has been successfully matching single Christians for over 20 years! Although there might be others, ChristianCafe.com is one of the most credible Christian dating websites online! By the way, if you’re searching for a snake, you go to a place where snakes are. But if you’re searching for a single Christian (Do I have to say more?), you go to: ChristianCafe.com! This way you can be sure that you are conducting your search for true love on a credible Christian dating site, Amen!!!


Photo by Jonathan Borba

Do you remember Abraham’s servant? Well, in Genesis 24:26–27, the Bible says…

“And the man bowed down his head, and worshipped the LORD. And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I being in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master’s brethren.”

Once Abraham’s servant realized that the LORD God had answered his prayer for a wife for Isaac in Rebekah, he quickly humbled himself, praised the LORD, and blessed Him for prospering his search! Single Christians, when God answers your prayers, guiding you to the love of your life. Be sure to give God all the praise, honour, and glory He deserves for helping you find true love on a Christian dating site.

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Doc Merchant

Husband, Father, Coach, & Personal Trainer; BS in Phys Ed; MS in Ed.; M in Ministry; and decades of life experiences!!!